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A few weeks ago, TJ, Hannah, Tram, and I were in Haiti with Carmel visiting other medical facilities to learn more about best practices in the area. Our flight home was not until late Sunday afternoon, so after church that morning, we decided to stop by the nearby orphanage for an unannounced visit. Emilio Alexis, Lespwa Timoun Clinic’s Administrator, accompanied us. We found that one of the children was very sick. His entire scalp was covered in pus, and more pus was oozing out of his legs — not to mention the fact that he was covered in urine. He was very sick, and Tram, a physician from Georgia, and I discussed how to best provide care for this child, worrying that he may need to be hospitalized. Emilio assured us that once the clinic opened Monday morning, he and Nurse Paul would go to the orphanage, triage the children, and take any who needed care back to Lespwa Timoun for treatment.

I have been thinking about and praying for that child ever since. Recently, I received a message from Emilio that not only had the child been treated at the clinic, but Emilio has personally gone to the orphanage twice since then to check on him. Emilio reports that the child is “better every day.”

I share this story with you just to say how encouraged I am by our friends at Lespwa Timoun. The clinic is growing at an exponential rate, but even though Lespwa Timoun is serving thousands and thousands of patients, they have not lost sight of the individual. The leadership of Lespwa Timoun is looking to the future – toward new growth and expansion – but at the same time, they are still looking after the single orphan child. I am so encouraged by the heart of Lespwa Timoun’s leadership and the culture they have created.

Since 2003, Carmel and Pere Val, the founders of Lespwa Timoun, have been caring for the medical and nutritional needs of children in Haiti. In 2013, because of the support and encouragement from friends like you, Lespwa Timoun opened the doors of its current clinic in Croix des Bouquets, Haiti. Light from Light fans this flame of progress by financially supporting Lespwa Timoun and encouraging and walking alongside its leaders. This relationship has enabled the clinic to serve thousands of families who struggle with great need and limited resources. Stable, ongoing support helps Lespwa Timoun Clinic thrive in the midst of the poverty and chaos of Haiti.

For those with hearts and hands ready to serve in Haiti, Light from Light offers a community where you can contribute to meaningful change and experience the richness of spirit that persists in even the most poverty-stricken communities. I invite you to check out Light from Light’s Projects Page to learn more about Light from Light’s partnership with Lespwa Timoun and other ways they’re working to create a brighter future for our friends in Haiti.


Nancy Hagood

Light from Light Board Member

The leadership of Lespwa Timoun is looking to the future – toward new growth and expansion – but at the same time, they are still looking after the single orphan child.

Nancy Hagood
Board Member
  • Lynda richards
    10:20 AM, 25 October 2018

    Wonderful message. I too have a heart for Haiti and am amazed at all that has been accomplished.
    Please let me know when Carmel and Pere Val come to USA.

    • Sarah Phillips
      3:01 PM, 25 October 2018

      Hi Frenchie! Pere Val & Carmel will be coming to the US at the end of October, and will be at the A Brighter Haiti event in Mt Pleasant, SC on November 16. We’d love to have you join us!

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