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Women and Children

We support women and children in the following ways:

Midwives and Prenatal Care

Lespwa Timoun Clinic trains and equips traditional birth attendants (midwives) to serve in the mountains of Crochu and Boucan Boyer.  These skilled attendants can recognize and address complications during births in their mountain communities, which is a valuable expertise in the nation with the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the Western hemisphere.  

With Light From Light’s support, Lespwa Timoun holds monthly training for attendants and provides delivery kits and supplies needed for at home births.

Child Sponsorship

It’s hard to extrapolate education from the health of a child. Because of this, the Light from Light Child Sponsorship Program was created to nurture the light that lives inside all children, as they are the future of their communities and of Haiti. 

For about $1.50 a day, sponsors provide basic needs and an education, plus create a personal, life-changing connection with a child in need. The program also provides monthly nutrition and mobile medical programs for the child’s village. This seemingly small investment creates life-changing transformation.

Click HERE for more information on how you can sponsor a child today!

Medical Clinic

Lespwa Timoun, a Haitian Certified NGO and Health Provider, is led by founder Carmel Valdema, RN, who is an experienced, respected community health leader. The leadership of Light from Light has worked with Nurse Carmel for more than 35 years, and we are grateful to partner with women leaders like her.

We are proud that the Haitian government regularly turns to Lespwa Timoun to fill gaps that its own resources cannot cover.  We and the Haitian community know this organization is a provider of compassionate care with deep impact for the Haitian people.

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